About Me

Yours truly, photographed by Andreas Redebratt

Niklas Andreasson lives in Gothenburg, Sweden with his wife and two cats. In his spare time, he plays the guitar, writes and takes on various personae in Dungeons & Dragons. For some reason, he can sometimes write about himself in the third person. This picture was taken by Andreas Redebratt and is likely the closest Nick will ever get to being "live at the Royal Albert Hall".

About the Site

The purpose of this website is to share my knowledge with the good people on the Web. It is a repository of most of the stuff I'm into. I enjoy writing about my hobbies and obsessions, if nothing else then because teaching is ultimately about learning.

In the original spirit of the WWW, I provide the site free of charge. There are no ads and you are not being tracked (at least not by me). I do this in my spare time because I think it's fun and stimulating. Get in touch with me if you wish to donate anything. If you don't, that's perfectly all right.

The purpose of this website is not to showcase cutting-edge web design. I prefer not to put the words "my website" and "design" in the same sentence. The focus here is on the written word, with ad hoc illustrations that hopefully underscore whatever point I'm trying to make.

The site was designed primarily for Google Chrome, but it should work on all major browsers. At times I've even validated it on text-only browsers. I try to stick to standards-compliant HTML5, mostly for graceful degradation.